Analisis Ekspor Nikel Indonesia dan Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhinya


  • Eneng Dilah Dalilatur Rahmah Universitas Nusa Putra
  • Yusuf Iskandar Universitas Nusa Putra

Kata Kunci:

Nikel Indonesia, Ekspor, RCA, Pertambangan Indonesia, Perdagangan Internasional



International trade is one of important things that can help a country to increase its economy. Not only that, there are various benefits from international trade activities such as helps the counties to fulfill their needs for certain material commodities that cannot be produced in their country due to some reasons. Indonesia is the largest nickel producer in the world. Based on data that has been released, 30% of nickel was come from Indonesia. This paper attempts to analyze how is the growth of Indonesiannickel exports and what factors that influence it which may can be used as a literature information on how to maximize Indonesia’s nickel potention in order to improve the national economy. This paper is using Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA) analysis technique and multiple linear regression as the data analysis technique with quantitative approach. While the main object of this paper is Indonesia's nickel exports period 2010 - 2020 in the form of tons.


