
  • Nurullita Aprillianti Universitas Nusa Putra
  • Umar Mansur

Kata Kunci:

factors, teacher job satisfaction


Human Resources (HR) is one of the most important aspect that can be the key to success in an organization. Human resources exist in every field / activity including in the education field. Teachers as the main human resources in education are one of the factors that determine the improved quality of education through their performance in the learning process. Job satisfaction is one of the parameters that can affect the performance of teachers in an organization. A teacher with high job satisfaction will tend to have high loyalty and contribute more to the progress of the organization, so that they will be willing to work hard and be more productive towards their work. This study aims to determine what factors affect job satisfaction, especially job satisfaction for teachers. The method used in this research is a method with literature review research, namely by referring to books and scientific articles as data for research. The results showed that job content factors, work environment, compensation, promotion, and motivation are factors that can affect job satisfaction, especially job satisfaction for teachers.

Biografi Penulis

Umar Mansur

Human Resources (HR) is one of the most important aspect that can be the key to success in an organization. Human resources exist in every field / activity including in the education field. Teachers as the main human resources in education are one of the factors that determine the improved quality of education through their performance in the learning process. Job satisfaction is one of the parameters that can affect the performance of teachers in an organization. A teacher with high job satisfaction will tend to have high loyalty and contribute more to the progress of the organization, so that they will be willing to work hard and be more productive towards their work. This study aims to determine what factors affect job satisfaction, especially job satisfaction for teachers. The method used in this research is a method with literature review research, namely by referring to books and scientific articles as data for research. The results showed that job content factors, work environment, compensation, promotion, and motivation are factors that can affect job satisfaction, especially job satisfaction for teachers.


